Speaker Profile

Scott Pansky

Co-founder and Partner of Allison Worldwide.

A nationally recognized leader in cause-related marketing, Scott Pansky is a co-founder and partner of Allison, where he leads the Nonprofit & Cause Marketing Group for the global integrated marketing and communications consultancy dedicated to driving growth, innovation and positive change. Scott has more than twenty years’ experience working with brands on corporate social responsibility and thought leadership programs. He has developed internal communication strategies, community outreach programs and national branding and partnership programs that have increased both revenues and reputation for his clients. Throughout his experience developing best-of-class cause-related campaigns, he has created proprietary methodologies to help corporations find the best possible focus for their cause-related efforts; develop a corporate “socialanthropy” platform; and develop nonprofit alliances and partnerships that will resonate with a brand’s stakeholders.

Scott’s work guiding nonprofit organizations on their public relations efforts, board trainings and cause development programs has helped to transform how corporations perceive the value of nonprofit partnerships as part of their overall brand-building efforts.

A frequent speaker and passionate educator, Scott serves as President of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Partnership Council and teaches public relations and cause marketing courses at UCLA. He has taught Cause Marketing 101 for Corporations at the Cause Marketing Forum since its inception, launched the American Marketing Association’s Annual Cause Marketing program in San Diego, and had given keynote addresses at corporate conferences and nonprofit summits. He is a graduate of San Diego State and a proud husband and father.